Well now…

It’s windy with snow likely and the feels are 5 degrees

I’m in a fine mood

eh Flashbang!

Sure, I’ll take the vaccine Just mail it to me

just like mail-in voting

my health & safety are to important to show up in person

it’s safe, secure and honest

So just mail it to me

I’ll give myself the shot and send the paperwork back

saying I that I’ve vaccinated

you trust me right

Hell I even called the switchboard

A Virginia man’s skin swelled, burned then peeled off in a rare reaction to the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.

74-year-old Richard Terrell said he began to feel discomfort in his armpit four days after he received the Covid-19 vaccine earlier this month.

Yaknow, well maybe you don’t know

so I’ll help you out

Jo’s HO she’s not Black , hell she ain’t even as Asian

I’ll what she reminds me of

She looks like someone from the old Monty Hall game show

running down the isle carrying a mattress

while yelling

Let’s Make a Deal!

What else is she NOT?

She’s NOT the first person of color to sit in the Vice President’s seat

His name was Charles Curtis of the KAW Nation

Charles was Vice President in 1928

He was Hoover’s VP

Charles Curtis is the highest ranking Red Man

ever to serve the People of these United States


the nickname fits

Life lesson:

make due with what you have right?

well I got a lot of cold ass tempatures with snow

might as well get some use out of it

how so Chance?

I never have to worry about my pepper jack melting