VP Harris’ response to migrant crisis borders on the absurd: Devine
It’s humiliating for the president that almost three weeks since he appointed Kamala Harris as his border point woman, she still hasn’t visited the disaster zone, come up with a plan or held a press conference on the migrant crisis.
Instead, she’s visited a water treatment plant in California and a bakery in Chicago, where the press pool reported on her sweet tooth last week.
“Her favorite is German chocolate, and [she] gets that for her birthday each year, and her staff had pre-ordered a slice for her. The bakery’s specialty is caramel cake, and she said she was looking forward to that too.”
Riveting stuff.
Meantime, the self-inflicted humanitarian tragedy at the southern border has spiraled out of control, opinion polls are heading south, the Biden appointee in charge has abruptly resigned, El Salvador’s president has refused to meet the visiting US envoy, and the VP is defying her boss and staying far away from the stinking mess to protect her reputation.
But while the pair play “pass the parcel,” the vacuum of leadership is only fueling a humanitarian catastrophe.
President Biden knew when he appointed Harris to manage the crisis on March 24 that it was a poison chalice, which gives you a hint of the growing wariness in a relationship where the VP is referred to by insiders as “The Heiress” and Biden is regarded as incapable of serving a full term.
The White House announced at the time that Harris would “lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle … in stemming the migration to our southern border.”
But, when asked when she planned to go to the border, Harris responded with hysterical laughter. “Not today,” she chortled.
“The vice president is not doing the border,” her spokeswoman Symone Sanders told reporters two days later.
Instead, Harris would be addressing the “root causes” of the surge in migration. To that end, she’s made two phone calls to regional leaders.
But the only root cause that matters is to restore Trump-era border protection measures that Biden unwound by executive decree: Restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers, restart deportation of criminal aliens, finish the border wall and stop making children bait for cartels.
Biden has tried to claim the border surge is just a seasonal uptick, but numbers are soaring exponentially. Last month alone, 19,000 children were recorded crossing the border, double the previous month. The government reportedly anticipates more than 35,000 migrant children will need to be cared for by June.
Instead, Harris would be addressing the “root causes” of the surge in migration. To that end, she’s made two phone calls to regional leaders.
But the only root cause that matters is to restore Trump-era border protection measures that Biden unwound by executive decree: Restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers, restart deportation of criminal aliens, finish the border wall and stop making children bait for cartels.
Biden has tried to claim the border surge is just a seasonal uptick, but numbers are soaring exponentially. Last month alone, 19,000 children were recorded crossing the border, double the previous month. The government reportedly anticipates more than 35,000 migrant children will need to be cared for by June.
This is Biden’s Operation Warp Speed: How to ruin a country in 100 days.
So desperate is the administration that government employees quietly are being offered four months’ paid leave from their jobs to help care for migrant children in shelters at the border, reports the New York Times.
But the White House won’t even acknowledge there is a problem.
On Friday, press secretary Jen Psaki spent more than double the time talking about the Ukrainian border than America’s southern border: 262 words versus 94.
“The reason for accepting these children is that we feel it is not the humane step to send these kids back on their treacherous journey,” she said, as if the atrocities being committed in our name are compassionate.
Later that afternoon, the White House issued a statement that Roberta Jacobsen, the White House coordinator for the southern border, had resigned.
She must be the only person in the administration with a conscience.
The Biden family biz? Nepotism
As Hunter Biden has his reputation laundered by a fawning media, his abandoned laptop reveals the extent of entitlement and privilege long enjoyed by President Biden’s family and vigorously exploited by his crack-loving son.
Continued: https://nypost.com/2021/04/11/vp-harris-response-to-migrant-crisis-is-absurd-devine/
Comment: This article is from April 11 and some journalist’s like Miranda Devine with the New York Post are not prepared to drink or deliver the Biden Administration’s koolaid. And although it is April 27; it would appear there are no updates or changes from two weeks ago.

See Also: Musings on the News of the Day