Growing Pains

Some aspects of the weather are simply not controlled by the geo-engineering group; as much as they may try. So with that thought in mind and as the banksters attempt to capitalize via the Paris Accord on the ever changing weather, since the dawn of man; let’s consider alternatives. So what don’t they control – El Nina & El Nino & volcanoes to name a few. However, these acts of nature, as we refer to them, can bring about droughts, unusual and un-seasonal weather patterns; which in turn can disrupt the food chain. And how should or can we cope with the increased food prices and market availability. Also, keeping in mind that “they” have selectively chosen which “essential” grocery stores are to remain open.

Regardless, if you reside in an apartment, have a yard or courtyard or balcony or several acres to grow your own food; we all have the ability to supplement and increase our nutritional intake. And here are a few video’s that will help you decided what you might like to grow. The internet is literally a cornucopia of helpful ideas and suggestions for first time “growers”.

Quick Trivia: Vegetables high in protein include lima beans, bean sprouts, green peas, spinach, sweet corn, asparagus, artichokes, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and broccoli. The United States government states that the average man needs 2,700 kcal per day and the average woman needs 2,200 kcal per day. Not everybody needs the same number of calories each day.

Protecting your garden from the elements and extending your growing season:

And on the subject of C02….here is the latest deconstruct. One would think, after this amount of time, there would be fewer chicken littles running about….I’ll just keep “hoping”, because geologists, geophysicists, agricultural engineers, agronomists, ranchers, farmers etc etc etc expertise, can not match the fear generate by the money men.

Happy growing…nothing is more fulfilling and rewarding than growing your own food. Plus digging in the dirt is the best. Then you can expand your knowledge to canning, preserves and storage.