After taking care of business in town, I found myself saying that while getting back in truck
figured it was a perfect time to get a different view of my pond
it’s then an idea came to me
cannot be sure what tourist season will be like behind enemy lines this year
be that as it may
I figured I’d mess with the tourists
“How you gonna do that Chance”
well I’ll tell ya
I went digging through the rocks wanting no Quartz
I found 4 decent soft stones I can work with
with the 1st one complete

When I finish up with the other 3 , I’ll return them to the same location scattered about of course hopefully a kid will find them an drive thier parents insane with all kinds stuff like
Ancient viking runes! mom dad, what’s it mean , what’s it mean!
Total pester job all the way back to where ever they came from
Harmless fun right?
That’s one view
here’s another
might spark interest to learn of the past
perhaps fire up a crafting talent yet to be unleashed
And for those who THINK I am planting fake artifacts

keep your tongue behind your teeth
I don’t wanna hear it
I applied a smirk on the back 🙂
That rune is not Viking, it’s much older
it simply says
” Safe Travels “
While hearing my pond sing to me
what to do…what to do
when they come for you Chance
Los Angeles Police Deparrment Launches “Operation Home Bound”
There is videos popping up showing Los Angeles police department performing forced vaccinations on mentally retarded people, disabled people and homeless people against their will. The Los Angeles police department is commiting crimes against humanity and the social media networks are censoring it

A modern day Trail of Tears
Being FORCED down a path you don’t want to go
lots of tears
along with other useful information