Flashback: 2017 & Fast Forward to 2021

Trump needs to abolish JFKs executive order (10988) which allows federal workers to write their own rules for collective bargaining.

The rate of public union membership today is several times that of the private sector unions and has gotten out of hand. No private sector businesses would stay in business very long if their employees had the rights to write their own workplace rules and design their own compensation packages.

Public unions are also destroying our largest cities budgets and ability to provide public services, see Detroit and Chicago, also, 8 out of every 10 private sector employees do not have a pension and have to work till they drop dead to fund the public sector unions, that is the definition of slavery which was supposed to have been abolished.

The rules and laws that protect public unions are in violation of the 14th amendment section 1.

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; {{{{nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.}}}}

And to add the cherry on top, the same public sector employees (civil servants) have stolen around $3.7 trillion from the private citizens social security trust fund to help pay for those public union pension funds, which right now are underfunded by around $9.8 trillion.

Public unions and their pension funds must be abolished if we want to drain the swamp, there is no other way.

Next, we must abolish the federal reserve, fractional banking system and seize all wealth created from interest made from unbacked fiat loans and use it to pay down the national debt. It is unrealistic to allow the practice of loaning out 10 X more then a bank has on deposit, all fiat and none of it produced with sweat and time spent and expect the person to pay it back with interest from that can only be achieved though years of hard work, another 14th amendment violation.

Now on to Healthcare ….The United States spends $3.3 trillion a year on the healthcare industry, that’s around 18% of our GDP. The focus should be on cutting nonessential personnel, fraud and mismanagement. The primary cost drivers are:

1. The ACA was designed (by the pharmaceutical and health insurance industry for Nancy Polosie, John Grubber, Harry Reid and Obama to increase (pipe dream) government revenues by $2.4 trillion a year. Then at a later date, the democrats were going to push out the insurance companies and take over the racket, actual healthcare was never a consideration, massive failure, (Repeal).

2. The government bureaucracy, Healthcare Insurance companies and lawyers currently absorb $1.9 trillion a year to “run their operations” with, and have cured ZERO, zip, none, 0, nada illnesses. (Dismantle and recover all liquid assets)

3. Pharmaceutical company originated legislation which defrauds the public should be repealed over 14th amendment equal protection violations. (Seek restitution seize assets)

4. Encourage community/county/city based citizens owned health insurance co-ops where the community’s take responsibility for writing their own health insurance rules with reciprocal ties to all other country wide co-opts. (A constitutional amendment needed for reciprocal guidance.)

5. Review and repeal all healthcare industry related laws enacted since 1940 that lack constitution adherents and repeal.

6. Enact massive TORT REFORM and eliminate the need for malpractice insurance and insurance companies.

7. Local communities should control local costs, premium collections and accounting functions for community based health insurance co-opts, local government/community control only.

8. Now comes the hard part……Attempt…….to Retrain lawyers, Insurance company personal and government bureaucrats that currently are engaged in non-tangible health industry jobs, which are producing nothing and only “sucking all the energy” out of the system, form Job Fairs to teach them tangible skill sets that actually add to the tangible GDP of this country, this will show the bureaucrats, lawyers and insurance companies how to be contributing members of society for the first time in their non productive lives!

Net savings to the general public, around $2 trillion a year, averaged over some 34,000 cities and towns nation wide will result in a net savings of $59 million per town per year on the average, some more, some less depending on size, it will also work out to a savings per individual of around $5,700 a year.

Of course since we have heard from the “health insurance industry,” that they are not really making any money, a measly 3%, these changes should not be a problem with them.

That is what should have been done to begin with to take care of the health care problems and financial mess in our country, talking about the unintended consequences is not getting to the root of the problem. These solutions will reduce the health care industry cost to our GDP from 18% down to 6%’as it should be.