He’s shocked he says

I've never heard of TOM LEONARD
Point blank madness: Shockingly, there are more guns in the U.S.  than people. And as a new book illustrates, some firearms enthusiasts  have entire arsenals
America’s baffling but lethal love affair  with guns goes from  strength to strength. New figures show 2020 was the  deadliest gun  violence year in decades.
At the same time, Americans are buying guns in record numbers, while Texas   lawmakers this week became the latest to vote to allow people to carry   handguns without either a licence, background check or any training.
The   British response is traditionally to sigh in weary bewilderment and   just be glad that such a terrifying arms race doesn’t exist in the UK.   And yet there’s reason to be alarmed. 
British  police report that  a growing number of firearms bought legally in U.S.  gun shops are  finding their way illegally to the UK, where they are  being used by  criminals who remove their serial numbers to make tracing  them far  harder.
A few thoughts for TOM LEONARD
 listen up you tea totting jackass 
America has come across the pond twice
 to help settle differences
 I highly dout we'll see see TOM LEONARD heading heading across the pond 
to help settle our differences
 settle them we do 

I wasn’t shocked while reading TOM LEOLARD’s high moral superiority

I was rather irked how other’s think they stick thier beak into our business

enough of that do-gooder Here’s some music with only one picture

so you can enjoy while reading

about Americans exercising thier RIGHTS

thier GOD given RIGHTS

not government

America’s baffling but lethal love affair with guns goes from strength to strength. New figures show 2020 was the deadliest gun violence year in decades.

At the same time, Americans are buying guns in record numbers, while Texas lawmakers this week became the latest to vote to allow people to carry handguns without either a licence, background check or any training.

The British response is traditionally to sigh in weary bewilderment and just be glad that such a terrifying arms race doesn’t exist in the UK. And yet there’s reason to be alarmed.

British police report that a growing number of firearms bought legally in U.S. gun shops are finding their way illegally to the UK, where they are being used by criminals who remove their serial numbers to make tracing them far harder.

“I don’t know SIster

if this arrow is close to my heart

I don’t think it is

but then their some women

who think my heart isn’t in the right place”

A Good Patriot’: Originally from California, Katie moved to Texas because of crackdowns on gun ownership in her native state. The 41-year-old says: ‘Me and my husband decided to move here mainly because the government of California was becoming a bit oppressive.’ Katie runs a business called The Good Patriot, producing home decor items focused on freedom, the U.S. constitution and the Second Amendment, which enshrines in law the right of Americans to bear arms

‘I can be any man’s equal’: Instagram influencer Brickell Clark has nearly 20,000 followers at @ americangunchic and likes guns for two reasons: they’re chic and great levellers. The 26-year-old from Key West, Florida, says: ‘While everyone has a right to own guns, for a woman it’s also a way to be any man’s equal’ 

The mum with 170 firearms: Joel and Lynne live with their children Paige and Joshua in Austin, Texas. Lynne is the gun fan, owning around 170. Aged just 11, Joshua walks around the house with a handgun he built himself from a catalogue
‘I’ll never tire of new guns’: Kitija Shiroma, 29 — Mae to her friends — has the biggest shooting range in Hawaii. She owns it with her stepfather, a former military man. It was he who instilled her passion for firearms. She says: ‘I used to watch Hollywood movies and my father would take me hunting up in the mountains.’ She has one of the largest collection of firearms on the island, consisting largely of antiques. ‘I could never get tired of having new guns,’ adds Kitija, from Honolulu

‘Shooting feels so powerful’: Five years ago, truck driver Collin Singletom and factory worker James Prince met at a shooting range in Atlanta, Georgia. ‘I started liking guns when I was really young. The first time I shot a gun, I was 16 years old. I remember feeling so powerful. It was a great feeling,’ says Collin, 45. Forty-one-year-old James’s father put a revolver into his son’s hand at the age of six and taught him how to use it. He now has 18 firearms in his collection, but is outgunned by Collin with 43


if America had a gun problem

the WORLD would know it

America has a problem called Democrat party

the party of TREASON

To educate a man in mind and not in morals

is to educate a menace to society