
Each day I receive a fun, brief commentary on a current issue. I thought I would occasionally bring these to you for your entertainment.

Today’s offering has a takeoff of the Washington Post’s banner “Democracy Dies in Darkness”.

Democracy Dies In Whiteness

Media Malarkey: Some Democrats are now experimenting with overtly bigoted PR policies. 

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), who led a marxist mob outside the McCloskey residence, is showing-off for her fellow Squad sisters by refusing to grant an interview to a leading St. Louis Jewish newspaper.

Meanwhile, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) won’t sit-down with white journalists to protest the supposed lack of diversity in the Windy City’s press corps.

Stand DownHere we thought all bigotry and attacks on journalism were beyond the pale. Perhaps the Radical Left is so out of control these days because the media flat-out refuses to hold them accountable

Please do keep in mind, according to “them” it is us who are the racists. They, on the other hand are merely repairing past sins ..none of which any of us had anything to do with.

Let me know, in comments, whether you would like to see more “Marlarkey”.