Malarkey Thursday

Yes, the image is of John Cena who was unable to find enough words for his sin against China.

Yes, today’s malarkey is about China.

Mandarin Malarkey — Tale of Two Apologies 

Mandarin MalarkeyChina is so mighty that they’re making influential Americans — John Cena, LeBron James, the entire elite media — their apologists when what’s needed is the opposite.

Apology Unwarranted: Triggered by TaiwanWWE icon-turned-actor John Cena pathetically apologized IN MANDARIN for having said that Taiwan would be the first “country” to watch Fast & Furious 9. Cena was compelled to bend his jorted knee because Communist China views the self-governed democracy of Taiwan as its kicking dog. 

Apology Warranted: Woebegone in WuhanWhere does Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) go to get his apology (in English) on that whole Wuhan media cover-up? It’s hackish enough to dismiss all Republican pronouncements as “conspiracy theories,” but labeling this as “debunked” because China said so really makes you look like naive tools

-NY Times, February 2020: “Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins”

-NY Times, March 2021: “Another Group of Scientists Calls for Further Inquiry Into the Origins of the Coronavirus” 

GOAT or Jackass?Don’t forget that former Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey was massacred in 2019 for tweeting support of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters, culminating in his resignation a year later. LeBron and the NBA effectively bowed-down to Communist China, with the superstar ‘Bron-splaining that Morey was “either misinformed or not really educated on the situation.”

Bottom LineChina’s regime withholds freedom from its citizens, weaponized misinformation, manipulates markets, is commiting blatant crimes against humanity for its detainment of the Uighur population, and is architecting a century’s long expedition to dominate the globe by putting countries into crippling debt in exchange for the opportunity to use their technology infrastructure. Apologizing to them is apologizing to the most reprehensible thug on the world stage. John Cena has allowed himself to be manipulated and emasculated by the commies. An action hero for these bizarro times

If no one heard it, he groveled in Chinese. I wonder if his new currency is the yen. At the rate things are progressing, we may all want to start studying Chinese and collecting yen.