What are they afraid of?

spy plane was identified flying over the Maricopa County audit.

PC-12’s were used in Afghanistan.  An article in Stars and Stripes discussed the PC-12’significance to Intel gathering there:

When the wing was created some six years ago, this type of real-time intelligence was a pipe-dream to Afghanistan’s nascent national security forces. Now, its 450-man crew is responsible for 17 PC-12 single-engine turboprops, along with 30 Russian-built Mil Mi-17 transport helicopters, equipped with machine guns and rockets and fitted with Kevlar armor plating.

PC-12 in Phoenix is owned by the Police Department:

there appears to have been several days of activity in and near the Arizona Coliseum by the police department using multiple aircraft.

The PC-12 aircraft has full motion video capability and can vacuum up cell phone transmissions and follow the connection to the other end of the call to find out intelligence on the other party involved.

These aircraft were used heavily in the Middle East against terrorists.

There is no information on what U.S. government agency is using the aircraft to spy on American citizens working for election integrity.

if there’s one word to describe what they are afraid of

I choose the word


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