After 1/2 mile drive off a dirt road, the driveway is basically a 2 rut road
well maintained for a 2 rut road
I should say it was

We not talking about Armydog
it does at times seem
the woods are Army infested
just sayin yaknow
His favorite things to do was work with wood & metal

Like umm, build a house so his Lady could have a home

sitting in Gazebo you hear
2 sounds the river

The other sound you hear are morning doves
no other sounds
I told Mark who I went to help move some things out
yaknow Mark
Noah set free a dove it
came back with a small olive branch a sign of Hope and prayers answered
land was near
is that folklore I asked
he just kind of looked at me
yaknow Mark
some tribes s believed that it was the cry that was heard, indicating a soul passing peacefully from earth.
Others believed the dove carried the souls to the heavens.
maybe 2 views saying the same thing just differently
some quiet then I said
Mark I got crows
” let’s get back to work he says ”
Now there is one among who wants a boat
but the Better half says not just no, But HELLO NO
this is where I can mediate things
All you have to do is move it and it’s yours

Solid steel with wood railings
He couldn’t afford a fancy boat so he built one
it’s never seen water
no barnicles
no permits or lience needed
don’t even need a slot at the your marina
some paint some spit & polish
just think of the rum parties one could have at the low low offering of FREE
you be smiling, while the Better half is also smiling
just gotta move it
so I got the truck loaded up with a couple different reloader machines
boxes and more boxes
along with other machines
” Chance, I’m glad you know people who know about this kind of stuff
I had no idea who to call besides you
” Mark, you were NAVY eh?
” well that explains it”
moving personal belonging out is not a happy thing to do
focusing on the boat & doves
helped greatly
I don’t