
Some may ask.. who is Dionysus?

All you need to know really is

Dionysus played two very different roles in Greek mythology . As the god of fertility, he was closely linked with crops, the harvest, and the changing of the seasons. As the god of wine and ecstasy, he was associated with drunkenness, madness, and unrestrained sexuality. Read Homer’s Iliad for a complete understanding.

For some strange reason general milley reminded me of Dionysus as in “unrestrained sexuality”

Speaking of generals, I had this one who was struggling with the chain of command

so I used the KISS effect


Always remember this… for the chain of Command

Be My Little General

the first letter of each word is the chain of command

While I’m looking at the lake with the morning sun on it

the reflections are like diamonds upon her cold ass bosom

I can see battle played played out

the general’s Transgender Shock Troops in the middle on the left flank

chickwithdics at the ready with thier Manpons and on the right flank

what’s left of the pregger parachute squad whose water didn’t break on the way down standing around comparing

hair styles while awaiting orders

the opposing forces are lead by General Butt Naked, others include General Mosquito (because mosquitoes bring malaria), General Rambo, and General Bin Laden.

Before you ANY of you think ill of me

I’ll give you some background on General Butt Naked he was known as a

Cannibal Warlord of Liberia nfamous for fighting completely naked in the war apart from shoes and a gun. This was a ritual that was required of every member of his army and was implemented as the general believed once stripped down, no bullet could affect his body or his men’s bodies. Liberian generals go by names that are meant to incite fear in enemies. General Butt Naked, who now prefers to be called by his given name, Joshua Milton Blahyl, spoke openly about his atrocious war crimes. He noted casually that before battle, his army would sacrifice an innocent child and then proceed to drink the blood to prepare for the gruesome fight ahead.

The majority of the population is already living in deplorable conditions; it is almost impossible to imagine it could get worse. But the reality is that it just might–without the UN’s presence, the country could easily relapse into complete chaos. The conditions in Liberia just may go from atrocious to unspeakable.

What I shared about the general butt naked I took from an article written on July 3, 2014


is that future of American cities

I think to myself as I look at her cold ass bosom with her sparklies on