Not being a doctor nor have I even been on the teevee protraying to be one
I do know it takes 65 muscles to frown while it takes only 13 to smile
I say why work overtime
I’ll share a little story so the following video will be in the proper context
by the looks of her I shouda started my part of the conversation with
” where’s your mother”
LOOK at me!
what I am suppose to see, I see nothing
” that’s the problem , I got nothing,all the other girls at school already got boobs , what’s wrong with me?
Mentally I found myself in close combat with her, training kicked in

Without screwing up the edge I was applying to an axe
I told her this is the way it is
you get what you get, and all you gonna get be happy you got something
that cooled her jets kinda and somewhat
spending a few extra seconds holding a door while waiting for the one you walked by is time well spent

Watching this young Lady, couple of items crossed my mind
was she given a magnifying glass then told get outside!
Did she turn an interest into a job of sorts?
The Freedom to pursue her interests
not those of others who know better how she should live her life
who the hell walks around with a spare Queen?
I have a question for the Iraq vets
is it true that in the book market, books remain in the street at night
for the reader does not steal
while the thief does not read?