From nothing to Something

those are the ingrediences for making mud cakes

think on that for a moment

Jesus said the poor with always be with us

What makes America Exceptional?

The answer is in our Founding documents

Freedom is just not for America, but for everyone world wide

that’s a pretty cool Ideal to strive for coming from a bunch a Colonial scum

as the early Patriots were called by thier so-called betters

a story not of hand-out’s rather concerning a hand-up

his name

Alex Idrache

He grew up in a slum in Haiti, and he tells of how U.S. soldiers were deployed to his neighborhood following the earthquake there several years ago. He says their presence was the first experience of “hope”

he recalls in his childhood.

He remembers looking at his dad and asking him who the people were that were helping. His dad looked at him and said, “They are American soldiers.”

He looked back at his father and said, “One day, I will be an American soldier.”

His father knew the situation in Haiti was unworkable and tried for several years to obtain a visa to come to the United States. After being denied for several years, he was finally granted a spot in Baltimore. He purchased a ticket on a boat for his family and left Haiti.

They arrived and Alex, remembering his dream in the slum several years prior, looked for a way to join the U.S. Army. He found a national guard program that allowed him to join the Army in exchange for citizenship. He didn’t hesitate.

After a series of fortunate occurrences, he was given one of the few spots at West Point for prior enlisted soldiers. Despite his severe lack of formal education, he graduated as an honor graduate (top 5% physically and academically) and the top student in the Physics Department

The picture above was taken just prior to tossing his hat in the air, the realization of a dream that began 10 years ago in a slum in Port-au-Prince.

“At this moment, I was overwhelmed with emotions. Three things came to mind and led to those tears,” 2nd Lt Idrache explained in a comment on Instagram. “The first is where I started … The second is where I am …

The third is my future.”

He went on to become a US Army Blackhawk pilot and was recently chosen to attend

Marine Expeditionary Warfare School

There’s a Blight on this Nation

I call it the democratic party

America – see?

There are people who love you. There are people who will devote their lives to reaching the goal

of a perfect union

it’s the journey, not the destination that counts

There are people who believe in your ideals.

There are people, who even when it seems you are on the brink, will stand with you and for you.

You are awesome

dirty dishes are a blessing

you got eat today