Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy….

Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy League University To Learn New Brainwashing Techniques

June 15th, 2021

NEW YORK, NY—According to sources, beloved North Korean tyrant and lover of doughnuts Kim Jong Un is now attending Columbia University, a prestigious Ivy League school, to learn new brainwashing techniques for his regime.

“I thought I knew all there was to know about communist indoctrination, but I was wrong,” said the ruthless dictator to reporters after sitting through a 2-hour lecture on why fidget spinners are a remnant of Western patriarchal oppression. “Your American college professors have this down to an art!” 

Kim Jong Un then waddled over to the food court for all-you-can-eat frozen yogurt, whistling a merry tune as he went. 

According to experts, Ivy League schools in America boast the world’s finest anti-Western propaganda and brainwashing techniques. The North Korean dictator expressed hope that his newfound knowledge would help him make his citizens more robotically obedient. 

“We still have our troublemakers, but with these Ivy League techniques, I’ll have them eating out of my hand in no time!” he said. 

The murderous leader of North Korea plans to go back to his home country and start his own Ivy League school: Kim Jong UNiversity. 

This may be written as satire, yet again, the “Bee” is, right on target. Multiple “ism” leaders have said they would take over the United States from within through indoctrination in the education system. Their predictions are perilously close to becoming reality.