Malarkey-June 17

I am back with another edition of malarkey. Today’s offering is from one the current hot topics. Fortunately, we are seeing a great deal of pushback from parents.

Top 5 CRT Deflections — Teacher’s Edition 

Lo and behold, the single most important issue to them apparently right now is Critical Race Theory. Who knew that was the threat to our Republic?”

-President Barack Obama to CNN’s Anderson Cooper

Mansplaining Malarkey 

Want to know how you can tell Critical Race Theory is a sinister scheme — and that the Left knows they’re now busted? They’re not owning it. At all. 

Former President Barack Obama recently got in the game in his signature coy, condescending style. His scoffing deflection got us thinking of the various cop-outs libs are using to evade the stink of CRT.

No Comprende
“CRT? What even is that? Never heard of it.”
Approach: Playing dumb. Feign ignorance. 
Avatar: Psycho feigning ignorance when busted asking waiter to force date to share the fully-loaded nachos on first date.

No Existe
“CRT was made-up by right-wingers/white supremacists.”
Approach: It’s merely a fabrication, an illusionAvatar: Billy Hixx coming clean on St. Elmo’s Fire or Biden on Antifa.

No Way, Jose
“CRT? We don’t do that here. No, siree. What we do do is ‘Shmitical Case Theory.’”
Approach: Disguise. Here we only do “Culturally-Responsive Teaching” — or some other innocuous alias or cultish jibberish that sounds like it came from L. Ron Hubbard.
Avatar: Guy Incognito.

No Biggie

“CRT? Oh, that? What’s the fuss? That’s so not a thing. Geez, why is everyone so uptight?”
Approach: Wizard of Oz’s “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”
Avatar: President Obama.

No Lo Contendre

“CRT merely teaches the history of slavery, you racist.”
Approach: When in doubt, mash the proverbial turbo/eject button by lazily screaming “racist” — intended as a show-stopping intimidation attempt. Rhetorical tear gas or tase job. Shout, shame, shut it down.
Avatar: Joyless Reid.

Bottom Line

#WeTheParents are onto your tricks. 

At least we’ll be clear:

OUR Kids. OUR Money. OUR Call.