Permission? I don’t need your stinkin permission

Not being much for crowds

how I spend my 4th is my Goshdamn business

what does one due when living on the edge of dead zone

( no signal )

well one option is to lit a fire

At four months old, the kid was already liking stories at the fire

I bought the ring just before the kid was born figuring it would handy

at child calming I was right… again

it’s a strange thing

moms raise children, dads we get filed under


( you should bring baby in, there’s a bear behind you about 15 feet )

yeah well that bear won’t come closer, it don’t like fire & if it does I have a desert eagle right here

that ended that conversation

it was cutting through going to where ever

Why I will not seek stinking permission to celebrate the 4th?

For tomarrow a loss takes place yet a Victory

a moral victory

June 17th

was right about then when Paul came back around

In the wake of Bunker Hill

Benjamin Franklin penned an unsent letter to an English friend and member of Parliament that he closed,

“You are now my enemy and I am yours.”

“The loss we have sustained is greater than we can bear,” wrote British General Thomas Gage.

Nathanael Greene

now that guy had the proper ATTITUDE

“I wish we could sell them another hill at the same price”

Welcome to my fire Patriots