Synoym for Sunshine Patriot?

first we need to define Sunshine patriot

Sunshine is bright and often seen as representing happiness, much like when one side is winning fights in a war, so more people want to fight because their side is winning. But when the sunshine is gone; when their fighting side is losing battles, the sunshine patriot leaves thier brothers & sisters to go it alone.

What do sunshine patriots look like?

Mark and Patricia McCloskey

The St. Louis couple who sought to protect their property and lives from the rabid BLM mob marching down their private street pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and agreed to forfeit the firearms they used in the showdown last year.

Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. Her husband, Mark McCloskey, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750.

Coping a plea of Guilt for defending yourself

some may argue this wasn’t the hill to die on

if not this one, which hill? where is it?

And what were the charges heaped on the MOB?

there isn’t any

was reading where mr. sunshine has political aspirations

there’s not much difference between a RHINO and AINO

Republican In Name Only

American In Name Only

ever hear of Rubin Carter?

I’ll take the Daily Double for 500 Alex

where does self preservation fall under?

What is Nature’s Law Alex

you would be correct