The fun side of Life

There was day when I was dragged by the ear into the house while hearing

” get in here and learn to cook no self respecting woman will marry you!”

Life lesson here

never respond like I did

unless pain is your friend

” can I get one of those non-self respecting women ma?”

I was told to ease off the bacon for awhile

so I have 2 ears of early corn I cut off the tampered end

which means I had to trim the bacon weave

( less bacon )

melted butter with pepper rolled in bacon, smoked for 42 minutes brushed with the jelly 3 times

Corn is proof, veggies don’t have to be green to be enjoyed

Eating simply doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the Happiness

my chicken skin is never rubbery, never ever

you bite into my skin you will get the crunch

took about one hour 45 minutes

Don’t know how you do you things but around here when little yoops have an upset tummy

we give them a Vernors

then tell them Back outside

works great for yoopers to

I had a choice of using a can of Vernors or the high dollar stuff from the fridge I keep on hand

in case I get visitors

manners count yaknow

that way if the cops pull them over later on, they can say Chance spiked the coffee with ale 🙂


I don’t get many vistors

seems most learned the lesson

I don’t like visitors taking up time from important stuff like
