The game is not over yet

Strange that John came to mind

John Honeyman was an American spy and British informant for George Washington, primarily responsible for spreading disinformation

George… the Man who couldn’t tell a lie …. if one believes that

they don’t jack about the Culpeper RIng

the victory at Trenton was due to John Honeyman

Since reading is no longer Fundelmental for it’s been replaced sex is Everything

the fall back position is pictures!

Kinda like when the wifey catches you looking at gun porn

while knockin you in the back of the head yelling

“why cannot you be like normal men?


with Information

file this under

the Brown coats understand the reference

“Cannot stop the signal Mel”

Mocking Evil

they hate to be Mocked

I must have struck a nerve yesterday

well believe me

I know the nervous system and I ain’t done touching 🙂