Tired of tanned & bleached talking heads? Forgotten what real reporters with investigative integrity look lie? Longtime friend and fellow patriot George Webb tells truth, reveals ratlines and plumbs the depth of the deep state!

Hold the Line To all who are standing up for Team America and Team Canada: You’re starting to stand up and get together and figure this out. We will win this. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be fun. It’s going to require great sacrifice, but we will win this together.

A secret told isn’t.
No communications are secure.
All security is breachable.
All codes are hackable.
Concealment is not cover.
All cover is temporary.
All codes are breakable.
Use a one-time pad.
One time looking is not seen.
Hearing is not listening.
Moving is not action.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Perseverance beats talent.
Power is not force.
Hope is not a plan.
Plans are useless.
Planning is invaluable.
Training is essential.
The most committed wins.
Freedom is never given.
It is earned, fought for, won, and taken.