Welcome to Wednesday, 30 June Conversation

Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea

served with

Today’s topic is mother-in-laws🤓😎🤓😎🤓😎

Two rural gentlemen were chatting. One says, “Say, I noticed a lot of cars at your house on Saturday night. Were you having a party or something?”

“No,” responds the second man. “Tragically last week one of my mules kicked my mother in law in the head, and she died suddenly”

“Oh, No!” says the first man. “So were the people there to pay their final respects?”

“No,” says the second man. “Once news started to spread about the incident, men from all over the county started coming over asking if they could borrow my mule.”

Then we have the ever helpful mother-in-law who wants to give child rearing advice, and the answer is….

We have the Biblical angle.

When all else fails, you can hire a street panhandler for assistance.