yeah, let’s open this can of worms

Welcome to Khe Sanh LADIES

Supreme Court asked to review men-only draft registration law

The question of whether it’s unconstitutional to require men but not women to register could be viewed as one with little practical impact. The last time there was a draft was during the Vietnam War, and the military has been all-volunteer since. But the registration requirement is one of the few remaining places where federal law treats men and women differently, and women’s groups are among those arguing that allowing it to stand is harmful.

The justices could say as soon as Monday whether they will hear a case involving the Military Selective Service Act, which requires men to register for the draft.

Closer to home… some words from the Woodtick

“A friend of mine was there, he is the most decorated Marine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

I had a 305 lottery number in 1970 and counted my blessings”

a reply to the Woodtick

Mario Arenales Gonzalez

” How many Vietnam vets are from the UP. like 15? better to count your blessings then count the steps to your local recruitment office hey. enjoy them freedoms boomer”


( short for the mario arenales gonzalez )

you don’t know shyt about Jack

you probably don’t even know about

the Sullivan Brothers


USS Juneau CL-52 was sunk on 13 November 1942

Mag, this is Jerry and Terry Weigold

Jerry and Terry Weigold ” learned the ways of the woods” as they grew up together in the UP.

Those skills paid them great dividends in Vietnam.

In 1968 they were drafted in the Army.

Ever since World War II when the Sullivan Brothers died together when their ship sank in battle, it had been military policy to separate siblings so all from the same family would not be required to face the perils of combat.

When the Weigold brothers finished their basic and advanced training, they were told one of them would be going to Vietnam and the other would serve at some other location.

The brothers would have none of it.

Jerry told them

“the hell you say

you can’t separate us. We’re identical twins.”

thier wishes were honored and both were sent to the war where they both led squads into some of the roughest and prolonged fighting of the War. Both of the brothers were awarded Purple Hearts.

they made it back to our beloved woods

the Weigold brothers are excellent representatives of the Vietnam Veteran Generation


you know nothing of the people to be found in these woods

a clue is offered


until it’s time to get serious… mag