Administration’s Latest Plan…

Administration’s Latest Plan to Get Shots in Arms Sure Sounds Like a ‘Vaccine Police’

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made a lot of antennas go up during Tuesday’s press conference when announcing the administration’s latest plan to try to get more people to take the coronavirus vaccine.

Obviously, this raises a lot of questions, such as:

Are they really going to be sending government operatives to your door to harangue you into getting vaccinated? 

Do they know or have a list of folks who are vaccinated, or are they operating based upon a general assessment of the neighborhood? 

Are they going to be asking about your vaccination status, which is no one’s business but your own?

The Twitter reactions have been interesting, as you can see.

One has to wonder what the prime directive is for these overpaid apparatchiks when people do not answer the door or refuse to talk with these bullies. It is highly unlikely the news will provide any coverage of the reaction of the citizens who are accosted at their homes. Notice I said “at their homes”. No thinking person would invite them through their door!