Malarkey, 1 July

Welcome to another edition of Malarkey. Today’s offering has several pieces of Malarkey to disassemble.

Some Dissembly Required

Malarkey Masquerade

For over a year, Dems and the media have lectured us daily that systemic racism is America’s fatal flaw and that honorable people have an obligation to help the virtuous voices of social justice be heard. So what’s with all the dissembling from Dems and their media mouthpieces? Let’s see if we can pick up on a pattern.

Shameless Shapeshifting
-Defund The Police
 is unpopular, so Dems/media play games.

From ‘defund doesn’t akshually mean defund’ to ‘akshually, it’s Republicans who want to defund’

-Critical Race Theory is unpopular, so Dems/media play games.

From ‘we don’t teach that’ to ‘oh, that? it’s nothing’ to ‘everyone who questions our harmless history lessons are racists who must be destroyed’.

Voter ID requirements are popular, so Dems/media play games.

From Stacey’s partisan wish list being passed off as ‘voting rights’ to common-sense ID requirements being smeared as ‘Jim Crow’

BLM is unpopular, so Dems and media play games.

Sure, the org behind the ubiquitous slogan openly admits they’re marxists who seek to disrupt the nuclear family, but if you don’t endorse them by name, you do not belong in polite society. 

Rudeness Awakening

The media itself is unpopular. The dishonest partisan games are why.

The unfortunate part, of all the topics “dissembled”, is far to many people have bought into what the “Rats” are selling.