Was a time when an army marched out of Spain, where it’s been said
“only God knows the number of the dead”
set upon Conquest of France they marched killing everyone along the way
they came to a place called TOURS, it’s where they met Charles Martle
aka “the Hammer”
it’s a good read how Charles seen what was to come… he was ready for the MOORS

Charles was credited for saving Christian Europe from Muslim Conquest
Jamhal Latimer aka Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey
the self-proclaimed leader of the Rise of the Moors
he has a youboob channel
Early Saturday morning, Latimer and 10 other heavily armed suspects said they were on their way to a training camp in Maine. They were arrested after holding police at bay for more than seven hours Saturday on I-95 in Wakefield.

Latimer got his weapons training with the U.S. Marines. He served from 2010-2014 and attained the rank of sergeant. Latimer earned several medals including the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
a medal for good conduct.
He was never deployed overseas.
Never heard of the rise of the Moors?
you have now