Scotty, you been in the Romulan ale again

I fired up the shortwave early this Am hearing world events the Amerikan media refuses to cover

hearing stuff first hand

France in the street on Bastille Day, South Africa in the mist of BURNING & LOOTING with local Militias forming up to protect thier famiilies & communities with live ammo check points are set up

Ginsburg spoke of South Africa

don’t bunch your kilt highlander, I’ll get to you

this so-called conservative starts in

” even if the fraud is fully exposed there is no Mechanism to undo the certified election”

well that was just plain ignorant on his part and I got the PROOF right buckwheat

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Thomas Jefferson

I sent that along him, not expecting a reply

Ok Scotty, what’s your major malfunction this time?

NASA warns moon ‘wobble’ could lead to more flooding, more often

The slightest change in the moon’s orbit could see big problems for coastal regions.

The moon is wobbling. There’s really no other way to say it. A slight alteration to the moon’s orbit — a wobble, if you will — has raised both eyebrows and questions about what effect such a slight jiggle may have here on Earth. It’s funny to say, sure, but the potential ramifications of a moon wobble have scientists concerned for the future.

In a study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change in June, scientists suggest that by the 2030s, the wobble will have enough of an effect on the moon’s gravitational pull to impact rising sea levels, seeing coastal cities all around the US cop a drastic increase in flooding. Climate change is already causing global sea levels to rise in two ways: warming waters cause the volume of the ocean to expand and increased glacier and ice sheet melt.

Scotty, pour me a glass

I got the music

Stay on the moors Scotty…. you be fine