soft Tyranny is still Tyranny

In preparation for the coming campaign, Lake County, Illinois has published ‘Helpful Hints’ for volunteers taking part in their “Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project to Increase COVID Vaccine Acceptance.”

So I’m reading through the ” hints”


— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) July 9, 2021

The ‘Helpful Hints!’ include:

  • If you’re nervous, that’s ok! We all still get nervous, even if we’ve done this before.
  • You don’t need to have all the answers. If you are unsure of an answer, be honest. Tell the person asking that you are a volunteer, and you will take down their question so that a health department staff person can get them the correct answer.
  • Inform, don’t convince. Your job is to equip the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You are not trying to convince anyone to do something they don’t want to do.
  • Ignore no soliciting signs. You’re not soliciting! You’re offering critical information and resources. What you are doing is not illegal.

You don’t have to be selling something to be soliciting.

— AJA4 (@j_aja4) July 10, 2021

  • Knock and then back up [zh: so you don’t get shot?]. Follow COVID-19 distancing protocols and speak clearly. If someone is uncomfortable with you being there in person, offer to give them more distance or leave them a flyer.
  • Use your script. This will give you the basics. Once you get comfortable with it, feel free to make it sound more like you as long as all the key information is there. Make clear up front that the building has let you in and you’re from the health department.

Perhaps most importantly, volunteers are told to keep a list of who’s been naughty or nice.

  • Report on your work! Be sure to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine, who is already vaccinated, who needs more info, etc. This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) July 9, 2021

The door knockers are then given various scenarios in an attached script. For example:

PM (property manager) /CAM (community association manager): We don’t allow solicitation on our property.

CHM (community health ambassador): I understand but I am not selling anything, we want to provide accurate information to the seniors in your community. Our goal is to maximize the vaccination effort so that ALL of your seniors receive the COVID vaccine when the clinic comes on-site. All I want is to see your seniors protected against COVID.

when I open and I hear them say

” there’s no reason we cannot be civil about this”

Who told you I was civil?

looking at the lake, the McCloski’s from St. Louis came to mind

I am NOT a McCloski

Chemistry is something I like or let’s put it another way, after I blew a hole in the basement wall

about 3 feet in diameter paraphrasing dad here

“that’ll be enough chemistry sets for you”

I’ll take a some chemistry I learnt from the Israelies

water, yeast and sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda. ” the pH level of sodium bicarbonate is important so pay attention to that part”, the yeasts synthesizes some amino acids

Pay close attention numbnutz

this super soaker is loaded ( 3 gallon tank )with Skunk water I’m gonna count to 3, if you haven’t turned around I’m gonna apply the anti-commie spray

the effects are:

Aside from the smell, there are some minor physical side effects, Skunk spray can cause skin irritation; eyes redness and pain; and abdominal pain if ingested, open your piehole again numbnutz

ONE … TWO…. that’s right, run away you commiepinkobastards

on my second cup of coffee I was hearing Steve’n’Seagulls and thinking someone taught how to play those instruments, gramps maybe, someone did

one don’t need a certificate on the wall to be a teacher

while in the South

I noticed they do things different and that’s ok to

rural people are much the same no matter the location

leave us the hell alone & life will be good for you

enjoy the music

think in terms of this

farm kids learn how to drive combines and machines at an early age

kids of miners are much the same

so having some miner kids as friends, my days of making holes were not over

then there was 3 fingers

danni told him that fuse to short, Mylan he didn’t listen, but what can you expect from a kid who named after a pirate according to 3 fingers, his mom was reading a romance book concerning pirates while pregnet with 3 fingers

so she named him Mylan