the 56

It’s important to know what happened to those guys and thier families

Of the 56 signers of the Declaration, few were long to survive, 5 were captured by the British and tortured before they died, 12 had their homes – from Rhode Island to Charleston – sacked and looted, occupied by the enemy or burned

Two of them lost their sons in the Army; one had two sons captured

Nine of the 56 died in the War from its hardships or from its more merciful bullets.

I don’t know what impression you’d had of these men who met that hot summer in Philadelphia, but I think it’s important, that we remember this about them, they were not poor men, they were not wild-eyed pirates; these were men of means, these were rich men, most of them, who enjoyed much ease and luxury in personal living. Not hungry men, prosperous men, wealthy land owners, substantially secure in their prosperity.

this is as much I shall say of it – they had learned that liberty is so much more important than security

that they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor

they fulfilled their pledge

they paid the price, and freedom was born

You are 8 months away from 20 years of honorable service looking forward to standing down

doing a little fishing with youe wifey on bow of the boat soaking up the sun as you smile

thinking ohh yeah that’s mine

ArmyTimes@ArmyTimes·Jul 1Prepare for mandatory COVID vaccines in September,

Army says in EXORD

Mandated vaccine in an all volunteer force?

Thomas Massie@RepThomasMassieI’ve been contacted by members of our voluntary military who say they will quit if the COVID vaccine is mandated. I introduced HR 3860 to prohibit any mandatory requirement that a member of the Armed Forces receive a vaccination against COVID-19.

This is Jacob

13-year-old Jacob Clynick died suddenly with what is being described as a cardiac event.
According to his aunt, Jacob received his second COVID shot just 3 days before his death

Why would the Military mandate an experimental vax with known side effects which include death

could it be one way of seeing who tows the line with milley’s views and those who do not

Russell Case , you remember Russell

Russell Case rammed his F-18 into an alien spaceship and taught the world how to bring those sonsabitches down.

let us remember his words

from our generation: