Just the other evening I had a conversation with Mr. Wizard about a potential repeat of the Iran Hostage situation. Xiden has managed to create Saigon II. Why not go two for two and have Iran II?

It would seem Mr. Wizard and myself are not the only people thinking about the possibility.

There appeared this report from National Review:

Defense Officials Sidestep Concerns over Taliban Blocking Off Airport Entry

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby on Tuesday sidestepped questions about how the U.S. plans to respond to reports that the Taliban is blocking people from accessing the airport in Kabul, where the U.S. military is facilitating evacuations from Afghanistan in the wake of a Taliban takeover.

Kirby said during a press briefing that U.S. military commanders at the Kabul international airport are in communication with Taliban commanders on the ground outside the airport. He declined to further detail those discussions, saying only that he would “let the results speak for themselves.”

Asked by a reporter if those discussions include talk of allowing Americans and Afghans through Taliban checkpoints or expanding the perimeter around the airport so more people can arrive at the airport safely, Kirby declined to get into the “sausage-making of communications.”

But since the Taliban don’t eat pork sausage. . .

Every single news report is indicating entry into the airport, in Kabul, is blocked.
The latest numbers, of Americans, still in Afghanistan is approximately 10,000.
The propaganda value of photographs of American citizens held hostage, probably in our vacant embassy, is incalculable.