Arizona Senate President Karen Fann Outlining Suspicious Activity

Interview With Arizona Senate President Karen Fann Outlining Suspicious Activity by Maricopa County Election Board

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann gave an insightful interview earlier on Tuesday.

Within the interview Senator Fann is asked what is her sense of why Maricopa County has been fighting against the audit?  As noted by Fann she suspects the legal team advising the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors was likely fearful of what might be discovered if a full forensic audit was completed.

The interview is in three segments.  Video #1:

Segment Two Below:

Segment Three:

August 17, 2021 –

Comment: I’m certain that “someone” can explain to me why this has a Sullivan versus Flynn feel to it….a never ending charade from the supposed K Street/Democrat legal community in the best interests of the nation.