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Joe biden isn’t stupid


People who voted for joe biden are STUPID

I betcha even the dead people who voted for joe biden are turning over in thier graves

C = ontrol





how Manipulation works

1. Fear… do this or something bad will happen to you

2. Flattery… do this and you’re a good person

3…. Bribery… do this and I’ll do something for you

4. Violence… do this or else

by the way we’re at step 3

It is NOT the government’s job to protect my health

the government’s job is to protect RIGHTS of the People

it is my job to protect my health

words from long ago

” when you trade Liberty for safety you deserve neither “

Outside the box

this Regime told those fleeing Tyranny from cuba they will be turned away

create a situation where people will be brought in under the guise of

” we must save these people”

islam by any other name is still ISLAM