Designer babies & the Master race

The proper way to view the posted picture is as follows:

Boobs causing men to stupid shyt since time began

want proof?

When Eve held out the apple what did Adam say?

I’ll bite

and now they…..

What’s done is done, there’s no changing the past

we can look back that we can do

mid-1920s, eugenics was mainstream and codified by laws that restricted immigration and allowed for the sterilization of tens of thousands of American citizens deemed to be “morons,” “unfit,” or poor, illiterate or promiscuous.

Buck v. Bell, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Virginia statute in 1927 that permitted the forced (without consent) sterilization of those deemed unfit and a burden to society if they procreated. It was a “fake” case, actually; the attorney representing Carrie Buck was hired by and took orders from attorneys for the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and the Feebleminded. This institution created this test case to insure they could continue to carry out their policies and procedures to purify populations.

This decision by the Supreme Court has never been overturned and still stands. In fact, forced sterilization is permitted in half the states in America by laws that have not been challenged or overturned.

Though the faulty work of eugenics lasted less than 40 years (discredited during the Depression, when even the rich became paupers), American eugenics influenced Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, and its legacy is with us still.

“The Eugenics Crusade”

tells a chilling story and shows how easy it is to use fear of “the other” to bring about the most inhumane treatment of human beings.

I’d rather discuss fun things because that is our nature

here’s an example of attitude

“It’s an edgy place. I mean, in the sense that it still hangs on out there like a rawhide flap of the old frontier, outposted from the swirl of mainstream America.
The U.P. is a hard place. A person has to want to hurt a lot to live there”.
—- John G. Mitchell, Audubon Magazine

He was right

it’s like we have a foot in the old world while we have a foot in the new

None of like this new world they forcing upon us

Common ground