For Six Months Biden Has Shut Down U.S. Oil Production

For Six Months Biden Has Shut Down U.S. Oil Production, Today Biden Asks OPEC to Pump More Oil

There’s hypocrisy, there’s double speak, there’s stupid decisions based on politics…. and then there’s this level of Biden hypocrisy and stupidity that cannot be adequately encapsulated.   President Trump’s energy production policy made the U.S.A. energy independent.  We were actually exporting oil and gas to other nations.

However, in the previous six months Joe Biden has:  (1) Shut down oil and energy development in ANWAR {LINK} which would increase use of the Alaska pipeline. (2) Blocked the Keystone Pipeline from completion {LINK} (3) Banned energy development on federal lands {LINK}. (4) Shut down the sale of energy leases in the Gulf of Mexico {LINK}. and (5) Blocked energy development in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Alabama {LINK}  … As a direct and immediate consequence, gas and fuel prices have skyrocketed.  The price of Unleaded Regular Gasoline is now up over 60% from 2020.  Now THIS:

The price of gasoline is directly attributable to Joe Biden policy in his war against oil.  However, now that Americans are being crushed with massive prices for gasoline; and Biden is getting massive heat for his ridiculous position; this insufferable administration has the absolute nerve to ask Russia and mid-east oil producers, OPEC, to increase their production. {LINK}  You cannot make this up…

Comment: In light of the fact and most would agree, Joe Biden appears to have serious cognitive issues. And yet, he continues as President. Cancelling pipelines – cancelling production leases; thus, causing major increases at the pumps. But, as an Albertan, I can share this is exactly how they destroy the economy. PM Trudeau cancelled the construction of four major national pipelines. He then destabilized the economy by creating massive debt load, opened the borders to unlimited immigrants and provided early release to criminals. He decimated the small business sector with his lock downs. Does any of this sound familiar? Meanwhile, the supposed opposition, CPC has provided hours of dramatic and creative “posturing”, they were going to make PM Trudeau accountable. Meanwhile one scandal after another has unfolded. Now, clearly Canada is 1/10 the size population wise, in comparison to the US. But, we have one Department (Infrastructure & Communities) alone that can not account for $186 billion in a single year. The Biden Administration is following the communist destabilizing & take over play book to a T. IMHO, President Biden does not have the capacity to continue in his leadership role and is incapable of following the simplest of instructions: