The debate is really not complex
You either believe that Government should have full control
of what is put into you & your children
you don’t
From across my pond
this here is
Dr. Vivek Murthy, the US Surgeon general

doc… How the hell am I still alive? I sanitize nothing
I’m outside breathing fresh morning air off the lake
I hug family when they let me in
shake hands with friends
I accept cash as payment
I must be a walking Goshdamn walking miracle
Let me explain something to you Vivek
Not living in a constant state of paralyzing fear of covid
is not the same thing as not believing covid isn’t real
is there a chance while in the truck some suicide minded deer
will try to kill me by jumping out in front me
every day that can happen

I still drive everyday Vivek
Life comes with a degree of assumed risk
just don’t let it control you
This B.S isn’t about anyone’s health or well being
call it what it is
Australia today
isn’t it strange how there is no covid in Afghanistan