Let’s go there David

Anti-Gun David Chipman Says First-Time Gun Owners Fear Zombies

The 20mm Vulcan weighs a mere 145lbs and the round is almost 1,400 grains impressive Ladies

Don’t ask any questions

I promise I’ll tell you no lies

Original Winchester 1894

made 1917

while discussing the trade/sale paticulars

” you never taken it out for a hunt?”


“well then it’s time”

I listened David Chipman for 5 minutes tripping over his tongue to avoid answering what an assault weapon is

he never did answer

David, your words are hollow

laced with poison

1894 David, the govenment did a lot of ASSAULTING

n 1894, the military attacked, leaving some 70 Indians dead

that is but just one example of the assaults that took place

David, these assaults never get old 🙂

Now and then I would hear the Judge Eddie

then one day Judge Eddie went on vacation or was put in time out

Judge Eddie’s words were never the same after that