One could almost, not quite, but almost feel pity for Xiden. Preventing any semblance thereof is his attitude. On to today’s Malarkey offering.
Biden’s Belated Beatings
Honeymoon’s Over
National Review’s John Fund wrote: “Liberals covered for Biden, they pampered him, they excused his clearly slipping energy and coherence. They protected him from stories such as Hunter Biden’s laptop.
“Despite all of their efforts, now Biden has insisted on embarrassing THEM.”
Airing of Grievances
ABC‘s Terry Moran: Biden “adrift from the facts” on the ground.
ABC‘s Jonathan Karl: “He is saying things that simply do not comport with reality.”
Marriage Counseling
Media Research Center’s Tim Graham wrote: “Is there anything funnier than CNN complaining about ‘over the top’ negative coverage? On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter came rushing to Joe Biden’s defense, complaining about hyper-critical coverage of the fiasco in Afghanistan. You could never be critical enough of Trump, and Biden should be granted a wide berth.”
The following succinctly describes what the media has been doing for Biden for decades.