
This week brings an extra ‘Malarkey’. It is tttooo good to let pass till next week.

That 7 D’s Show

Steve Guest with the receipt reminder: “5 hours after Joe Biden was initially slated to speak about his Afghanistan catastrophe, Biden talked about delivering ‘justice to Bin Laden.’
“Context left out: In 2012, he said he was opposed to Bin Laden raid: ‘Mr. President, my suggestion is don’t go.’”

Politico with the state-of-play: “Meanwhile, the West Wing is looking increasingly disconnected from reality as the Biden White House strives to project a sense of calm competence — even as the Taliban tighten their grip on Afghanistan.” 
“The result is an administration that appears increasingly out of touch, as reports from Kabul continue to reflect a chaotic evacuation.
“‘I don’t think the president’s rhetoric matches the conditions on the ground,’ said Jenna Ben-Yehuda, a 12-year veteran of the Bush and Obama State Department and president of the Truman Center, which is coordinating with other groups to try to evacuate Afghan allies.”

WSJ editorial: “As long as most U.S. citizens get out, and there are no American hostages, he figures most Americans will quickly forget about the chaos at the airport and the Afghans left behind.”
“The White House is already spinning the evacuation as a triumph of planning and brilliant execution.”
“We certainly hope the evacuation continues without incident. But if that happens it will be owing to good luck or because God looks kindly on fools, drunkards and the United States of America, as Bismarck famously put it.
“The Afghan withdrawal is one of the sorriest American failures in decades. Its consequences will play out for years, if not decades, as friends and foes recalibrate their views of U.S. political will in general, and Mr. Biden’s in particular. The President may want Americans to forget the last two weeks, but the world will remember. The Taliban and al Qaeda will use it as a recruiting ad for young jihadists. China, Russia and Iran are already considering how they can exploit a weak America.
“Mr. Biden’s bloody-minded refusal to adapt to the collapse of the Afghan government and military is another reminder that electing a U.S. President is a fateful choice. Character matters, but character has many parts. One is judgment, and another is the courage to admit a mistake and regroup. Mr. Biden is failing on both counts. With three-and-a-half years to go in his Presidency, the world is going to become much more dangerous.”

NBC’s Richard Engel with the dagger: “I think history will judge this moment as a very dark period for the United States”

Dan Bongino’s reax to the inevitable ‘Republicans Pounce’ headline: “Joe Biden is preparing to leave Americans behind in Afghanistan after the most disastrous foreign policy failure in history and the story is Republicans ‘weaponizing’ it. The media are unreal.”

Decency is back in the WH?: “A new book on the 2020 election raises serious questions about President Joe Biden’s temperament, citing the ‘cranky’ septuagenarian’s ‘willingness to unleash’ his fiery temper, especially at the expense of young staffers who dared to speak their minds.
“‘Biden’s temper, and his willingness to unleash it in small group settings, was one reason the people closest to him often avoided pushing him too hard to change his ways or take a particular course of action,’ write journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency.”

Dinesh D’Souza saw Trump’s damning new video and tweeted: “Biden is DONE after Trump’s new ad.”

I watched the Trump ad and found it right on target, something the current administration keeps failing in.