
Today’s edition of “Malarkey” deals with oil. Specifically, how this administration deals with oil energy…to benefit everyone but the United States!

Out of Sight, Out Of (His) Mind

Oil & Gas Not Greener On Other Side
This Calgary Herald column sets the table: “U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration put out a statement urging OPEC to hike its oil production to help bring U.S. gasoline prices down. This from the man who, on the first day of his presidency cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline.”  

“You’d think Biden and his administration would be celebrating high oil and gas prices because that means less will be used and therefore there will be less emissions, but no, he’s on his hands and knees begging those dictatorships that belong to OPEC and who fund terrorism against the West and Western interests to increase production so more cheap oil and gas can be used by Americans.” 

See No Evil

Rep. Andy Barr tweeted:“Biden’s energy policy makes NO sense: 

❌ Cancels the Keystone Pipeline

❌ Ends drilling on federal lands


✅ Waives sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline 

✅ Wants OPEC to produce more oil 

America energy bad, global energy good!”  

House GOP Leader McCarthy:”We could have been more energy independent. We could have developed it cleaner. And with American workers. But Biden would rather put America last.”