
Very little has been heard from the Vice President. Of course, that is probably a good thing for Xiden. The way things stand today, he does not need another fumble. It would seem there is an effort afoot to rehabilitate her image.

Happily Ever Aftering With Kamala

Manufactured, Force-Fed Hero Worship 
It may be August, but the elite elves are busy toiling away in the workshop, manufacturing the latest line of liberal hero worship on the heels of the recent Cuomo product recall. Thus far, consumers are not buying it, so the elves may again be compelled to force-feed this one.

Cackles of Our Hearts
LA Times’ columnist Noah Bierman recently explored VP Harris’ divisive laugh: “But the laugh that’s proved the most polarizing is one that some observers argue is not a laugh at all. It’s her reaction, often seemingly inappropriate in the moment, when Harris is asked a question she doesn’t like. She laughs, and it’s hard to tell whether she is doing so to deflect, to signal she thinks the query is dumb, or both.

“Alice Stewart, a Republican consultant who has worked on several presidential campaigns, complained, ‘It’s the obvious attempt to evade a question. And she often gets away with it.'”

Life Imitating Satire

Axios, August: “A group of the Democratic Party’s most influential women met for dinner at a home in the nation’s capital last month to game out how to defend Vice President Kamala Harris and her chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, against a torrent of bad press.

“Why it matters: It’s telling that so early in the Biden-Harris administration, such powerful operatives felt compelled to try to right the vice president’s ship.

“Harris had been hit with a series of damaging press accounts, with leaks from administration officials questioning her political judgment and describing rampant dysfunction in her office.”

“Another source familiar with the dinner said attendees saw sexist overtones to the Harris coverage, and discussed how they could ‘make sure the press knows this.’

“‘Many of us lived through the Clinton campaign, and want to help curb some of the gendered dynamics in press coverage that impacted HRC,’ this source said.” 

Babylon Bee, July: “Looking for help anywhere they can get it, Democrats in their desperation have turned to Hillary Clinton to coach Kamala and teach her how to be more likable. 

“‘First things first Kamala,’ explained Clinton. ‘Next time you’re tempted to cackle uncontrollably, just call half of the U.S. ‘a basket of deplorables’ instead. Sure it’s divisive and unpopular, but it’s a step in the right direction for you.’” 

LA Times’ InstaShrine
Glenn Greenwald shared how the LA Times is doing their share to wear us down: “The LA Times, which is a real paper, has an official Instagram pagedevoted exclusively to ‘covering’ — i.e., worshipping — Kamala Harris. You have to see it to believe it. It’s like a creepy fan shrine that a 12-year-old builds for a pop star.”

The question is; the Devil we know as President or a cackling knees Kamela?