The more Governor DeSantis is correct the harder the press attempts to smear him. So far, it is Press-0; DeSantis …well I cannot even keep up with how many times he has won.
On to today’s Malarkey offering.
Ron DeSavage, Bonafide Badass
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
-Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken the best of the bold, pugilistic Trumpian model and added some needed finesse to it.
-As such, DeSantis has become the way-early 2024 frontrunner.
-Therefore, DeSantis is the media’s new Public Enemy #1.
-The media’s overzealousness keeps backfiring on them, thereby rendering him even stronger and them even weaker.
[Picture repeated touchdown drives spurred by costly personal fouls against the defense for unnecessary roughness.]
60 Minutes Redux
FOX News tells the tale: “The feud between DeSantis and the AP began last week when the news agency published a story that seemed to imply DeSantis was promoting Regeneron’s COVID antibody treatment because a Chicago-based hedge fund donated to a pro-DeSantis political committee also owns shares of the company. The headline of the widely-panned story read, ‘DeSantis top donor invests in COVID drug governor promotes.’
“Christina Pushaw, DeSantis’ press secretary, then went after the AP on Twitter as well as AP reporter Brendan Farrington, who authored the story. That prompted incoming AP CEO Daisy Veerasingham to send a letter to DeSantis accusing his aide of ‘harassing behavior’ and activating an ‘online mob’ against Farrington. DeSantis fired back with a letter of his own slamming the ‘botched and discredited’ smear against him.”
This Is How You Do It
Treat yourself to the full DeSantis letter, in which he suggests that the media’s malarkey is undermining vaccine confidence and costing lives.
For everyone’s enjoyment, I provide you a copy of said letter.