George Carlin once said
( paraphrasing here )
“there’s a club and you’re not in it”
you wanna know something… don’t know about you
I’m happy not to be in that club
Needed some gas to get home from where I was where was I? Out in the woods , I was rather impressed at how clean the bathroom was, wanna see

that just might my first unisex bathroom I ever seen, so you know me, I had to check it out I didn’t say use
that’s not to shabby, rather fancy with those sky lights
few spiders hanging around which is par for the course

got the gas , walking to the door to pay inside, there was canopy setup… ice cream every where!

it was a fund raiser for a little girl with a brain tumor
” would you like ice cream”
I’ll pay for gas then get some mam
I only had a Grant on me that’s when the nancy piglousy came to mind
what ever is the largest bill I am handed back, I’ll get the ice scream with that
already knew it was going to be a Jackson, the person standing waiting for the lady to finish putting the 4th scoop on thier cone, that’s when they tossed a dollar in the can , I didn’t say it, I wanted to… you useless fuck, off they went Ma’am, what happened to the Mackinaw fudge?

“A group of bikers come through here about 20 minutes ago, all the girls wanted that
must been about 30 of them”
did they help out?
” they couldn’t stuff in anymore bills in the can so I change out the can”
big smile on her face
Well ma’am, I’ll take a Maple nut please she wasn’t using one of those scoops that could double up as a mellon baller
this was a real scooper
Mam! just one scoop please, that’s plenty , stuffed the Jackson through the plastic cut out I thanked the lady was about about around leave when she said
“can I touch your face?”
it doesn’t happen often but it does happen at the least expected times
she came from behind the ice cream put her hand on my face for moment I could her fingers where the ear use to be, when such a thing happens
I always have the same thought
God dude I know you count a Woman’s tears I don’t want to be responsible for these
she removed her hand
looking at me, then said she lost her husband to Agent orange
one could see the hurt still if one looked close
thanked me for helping out
Mam, this is some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had
I belong to a much better club
think I’ll go tool some leather