Per CNN: “Trump’s Big Lie Roadshow”

Independent journalist, George Webb provides one of the most informative interviews with Chris the IP Hunter. Take the time to listen up until approximately the 1:30:00 time stamp. You will hear George reference Task Force; another independent journalist Jennie Moore who was found in her hotel room deceased in 2018, while completing an investigation.

Many of these researchers and investigative journalists have presented irrefutable evidence of the existence of the Deep State and their decades of operation. This remains one of the most complex reveals and exposure; considering their extensive reach & influence of these powerful bankers.

As of recent, Webb has found himself legally under attack by CNN; by one of their reporter’s Donie O’Sullivan. This is simply another tactic the Deep State has deployed in their arsenal. But, the outcome of this lawsuit has the potential of being precedence setting to the future of journalism with integrity.

Today’s presentation however, is about the Baltic and Ukraine and their deployment of biological weapons.