Proof that Life isn’t fair

I don’t know what you were doing at the age of 19

I can tell you what I wasn’t doing at 19

I wasn’t fishing that’s for damn sure

and another thing

there wasn’t any of this back talk

“Every year the mom and dad have invited Martinez and his sister to go fishing , and every year they said no”

what young tender age did I hear ” get on boat “?

having callouses on a 10 year old’s hands, is an indication the kid has been on the boat before…. many times

Granted there are big differences between fishing for fun & fishing for a living

This here is Luis Martinez who is 19 years of age

I’ve already nicknamed him DOG

48-pound chinook salmon New state record

Dog set out on his first-ever salmon fishing trip

Bobby Sullivan of Icebreaker Charters took the Ortonville family to Sable Point to cast their lures for chinook salmon, and it wasn’t long before they had a bite, the outlet reported.

Martinez admits he fell asleep during the ride and his mother woke him up when they arrived at the fishing spot

Wake up, look alive ffs

Around 7 a.m., a bleary-eyed Martinez was handed a fishing rod and told to reel. And so his battle with the nearly 48-pound salmon began.

“The first 10 minutes were quite a fight. Around the 20s, 30s (minutes or so), he started jumping out of the water. That’s when we pulled it out and landed it in the boat,”

Now some may be wondering why Luis is now known as DOG well it only took Luis 19 years

to find what fishing is all about

It’s time well spent in the fun department of Life

So one could say Luis has been laying around for 19 years

like a cut dog laying on a porch

on a warm summer day

watching the world by

am I green eyed no

Thinkin Luis has found a whole new world he never knew exited before

Kids don’t remember thier best day at gaming

Luis will not not forget his first fishing trip