Radio check -Charlie Foxtrot over

In less than a week, Afghanistan has fallen. How could this happen so quickly after US officials assured everyone that the Afghan military was fully capable of defending the country against the Taliban?

the level of corruption within the Afghanistan military and the government, that is part of how the Taliban won a lot of this, is they paid the commanders off to surrender a city before. So those who genuinely do want to fight – and there are a lot of men that wanted to genuinely fight – they were basically kept in the dark and ANA commanders were paid off by the Taliban in advance to surrender the city. They were just left with, you have no choice but basically to run.

The level of corruption that’s enabled the Taliban to come back into power is just mind-blowing. It’s mind-blowing to see that and to see all of the weapons that have now gone into the Taliban’s hands when the Afghan army runs away

leaving weapons we payed for

mr. taliban now has javelin missles as well as the OS for Strykers along with other vehicles

they also have in thier possession CROWS systems

an F-15 flight simulator was left behind mr. taliban has that to

the black market in Iran will be a busy place

reminds me much of the 2020 election

how many in this country got thier fair share of the pie to install biden

not sure why the Do Long bridge came to mind

“G.I fuck, you fuck G.I”

get the roach, get the roach man

” hey soldier, you know who’s in command here”?


it was outpost of insanity and chaos

wait… yes I do, this current Regime is insane

thier middle name is chaos

I’d bet you a buffy nickle

you never thought you would find common ground with the WORM