Saigon II-Open Discussion

There is no way to completely cover the disaster Afghanistan, and our withdrawal, has become.

The President of Afghanistan has fled and, supposedly, the Taliban has taken over the palace.

The US Ambassador was evacuated by helicopter. I have no information relative to embassy personnel. If anyone does, please post it.

If the numbers are accurate, there are more US Troops present than we have had there in years.

The State <s>Department</s>Dipfeces waited until Friday, yep the 13th, to instruct staff to destroy documents, computers etc. Add to that, they instructed them to burn US Flags. The reasoning; “to prevent them being used for propaganda. Did it cross their pea brains to send them out with personnel?

The exciting news for progressives is the poor, misunderstood Al Quada prisoners, at our air base, were released. The Taliban o retook the base and set them free.

It is very likely I have neglected something important. Feel free to add information you may have.

Last off. Our fearless leader is at Camp David. Obviously, nothing of any import is occurring to interfere with his vacation.