Staying focused

There was a time when you couldn’t call the boat

those on shore would call the Coast Guard ,they would relay the message out, the same in reverse

Edgar G. Robinson

I’ve seen that look more then a few times while on the lake

the lake does hold family members still

Here’s another way of seeing that “look”

sailing upon rough waters I looking for safe harbor I had spotted two islands

upon closer inspection, I noticed they were identical in all ways except for one

one isle was inhabited by truth-tellers as the other was filled with liars

I couldn’t tell the difference

my best course was to set the compass away from both

Let’s start here

How many Americans have been lifted to safety compared to non Americans

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday said a vaccine-resistant variant will likely emerge.

But don’t worry because the pharma company already has a system in place to release a “variant-specific” jab within 95 days

I’d like ask Albert about the BORDER variant

the CDC twisting science to deny benefits

Agent Orange

“Civil Disobedience becomes a Sacred Duty when the state becomes LAWLESS or CORRUPT”

I think Mahatma Ghandi said that rather well

So we have a vaccine so safe, you have to be threatened to take it

A virus so deadly, you have to be tested to know you have it

An election so secure you cannot examine the machines that ran it

An economy so strong they pay you to stay home

A society so free, you have to be censored to re-imagine it

teaching or is he USELESS?

make the call!