the finer things in Life

ran into a friend of mine yesterday which is proof right there

not all my friends are dead or in jail

a passing thought here

all those who have tests without having symptoms every week to see if they are sick

I think they should also visit the cemetery as well

you know just to be sure they ain’t dead FFS

where was I ohh yeah

this friend was out back beating rugs he hung on the clothes line

his woman was on the phone jaw jacking watching him

probably to make sure he was doing it right

she said something to him

he said ” J C”

you can’t see, you can’t hear you only got one hand and you want to go take a naughty trip to camp

the intensity of the beating on the rugs increased

” Hea man, how long you been married to her”?

bout 30 years, give or take

” ever thought about trading her in “


he beating on the rug harder

she’s a bit slo at making sandwiches

but she can make damn fine sandwiches man

” so when you going to camp?”


without missing a beat in the phone conversation

we heard

” tonight”

I’ll see you later man

this is a good way of seeing my old friend

a young couple had gotten married first thing he did when they got home

Sit your ass at the table he said

here’s a pen and paper write down everything you like about me put in the envelope

I’ll do the same

she starts writing feverishly

he writes something then folds the paper puts in the envelope

” you done already?”


when she was done he said put where you can get to it every time you get mad at me

look at it & remember why you like me

Through the years her envelope was opened many times

then one day he died

she had to go through his things

she opened his wallet and there was his envelope…. he never opened it

she took it out slow and careful

when she opened it

she found he only had written her name

now you understand what sort of Man my friend is