Top Ziden Health…

Top Biden Health Official:

We’re ‘Failing’ on COVID

Photo Crédit: National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins (AP)

With the United States recording its highest daily Covid case load in six months, a top public health official warned Sunday that the country is “failing.”

“We should not really have ever got to the place we are,” Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“In that regard, yes, we are failing.”

According to him, we reached a new daily surge with 118,000 cases. 

The problem I have with this fear mongering is the failure to put the numbers in context. Per the Census Bureau, as of 8 August, the US population was 332,607,774. It is doubtful that includes the thousands of illegal aliens flooding our borders. Prefacing my percentage with the statement my math skills are below abysmal, the percentage of cases seems to be approximately 0.003 of the population. 

Another portion of their talking points is children under 12 are not yet eligible for the vaccines. Collins said the number of children hospitalized with Covid is now at an all-time high of 1,450.

I keep hearing the word “hospitalized”. Has anyone noticed they have yet to define that word. Are people being kept in the hospital for hours or days? 

Anecdotal evidence from my community is people arrive at the hospital, are tested, provided care instructions and sent on their way. This information is coming from health care professionals working in two of our hospitals. Admittedly, our county is quite large. There could be differences for other hospitals in the county. 

Why the sudden uptick in fear mongering? Putting on my tinfoil chapeau, my thoughts are;

things were becoming a trifle difficult with the administration’s polling numbers. Inflation is climbing. The job numbers are consistently below their predictions. Very few are paying attention to Nancy’s January Commission theatre. Those may seem like a reason to restart fear mongering; however, they are not the proximate cause. The very worst possible thing was beginning happen. People started enjoying their freedom to live without dictates defining their life. Just think; no masks, going out and about without pré plandemic regulations. This cannot be allowed, hence the new fear mongering.