Unmitigated Fools

And yet again, the United States Department of State shows us what unmitigated inept fools they are. Why, you may ask?

During recent days, there has been much coverage of the Taliban moving toward Kabul. In the past 24 hours, there has been much coverage of the deployment of US troops to evacuate our embassy.

A thinking management organization would have directed embassy staff, days ago, to begin destruction of documents, computers, etc. Alas, again, this administration proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they are incapable of thinking.

In case anyone was wondering, the blithering buffoons waited until this AM to direct the destruction of documents, computers, etc.

Gentle people, we are going to see a repeat of the fall of Saigon brought to you courtesy of the Ziden administration!

I wish I could say I feel better after this ranting diatribe; however, not really. We finally has a *President who is going to make Jimmy Carter look competent.