We will not go quietly into the night

Up early, watching the sunrise

not everyone gets to do that so being the nice that I am

I do it for them 🙂

with a coffee an signal I got to hear President Trump’s rally in Alabama

from my point of view it looked like a gathering of eagles

I’m beginning to think President Trump reads my postings

how so you ask

he spoke of some very serious topics

taking breaks from those issues, he brought forth laughter and smiles

to ease the burden we all are facing

yep, he reads my postings

seeing the young people in the crowd and the network RSBN that I watched on

are also young people

this part is for them

her name was Sophie Scholl

Sophie was known as the White Rose

You young people pay attention

look at me when I’m talking to you

your name is not your own it is borrowed from your ancestors

you must return unstained

Your honor is not your own

it is on loan from your descendants

return it… unbroken

Your blood is not your own

it is a gift given to you

pass on to future generations yet unborn

carry it with responsibility

when Beer is so much more then a beer